We are approved & accredited members of the most respected standards in our industry.

We were asked to develop a design for a relatively long garden of a ground floor flat that had recently been extended. A section of small terrace and retaining walls had been completed by the builders and although proportionately the space was out of sync with the larger garden and not large enough for a dining table we had to retain this area to manage budget and avoid unnecessary waste. A number of mature trees and shrubs surrounded the garden and needed to be considered when creating the planting design. A spacious dining area was a must as well as the opportunity to have more relaxed seating and a fire pit. A planning application and process was also within our remit.
To work with the existing paving area we design a simple bench built on the wall to remove the need for chairs allowing the space to be used for morning coffee and keeping the view from the kitchen as open as possible. This was softened with planting that would tie the area in with the overall design. A series of pathways finished with gravel take you on a journey through the garden and sections of naturalistic planting fall over the edges and self seed in the pathways. We dropped the dining area into the centre of the garden to give an immersive feeling as the prairie style planting and textural Betula trees wrap around the table and chairs.
This garden has a truly unique vibe that transports you away from the stresses of everyday life. The naturalistic planting provides year round interest and movement in the grasses and seed heads adds another dimension when the lighting is on at night or on dark winter days.
If you’d like to work with us, get in touch.
We are approved & accredited members of the most respected standards in our industry.